Kotak Mahindra Bank Announces Results

Kotak Mahindra Bank Announces Results

Kotak Mahindra BankStandalone PAT for FY24₹13,782crore,up26%YoY Q4FY24 ₹ 4,133 crore, up 18% YoY and 38% QoQ

ConsolidatedPATforFY24₹18,213crore,up22%YoY Q4FY24 ₹ 5,337 crore, up 17% YoY and 25% QoQ

Mumbai, 4thMay, 2024: The Board of Directors of Kotak Mahindra Bank (“the Bank”) approved the auditedstandaloneandconsolidatedresultsforthequarterandfinancialyearendedMarch31,2024,atthe Board meeting held in Mumbai, today.

Kotak Mahindra Bank stand alone results

The Bank’s PAT for FY24 increased to ₹ 13,782 crore from ₹ 10,939 crore in FY23, up 26% YoY. PAT for Q4FY24stoodat₹4,133crore,up18%YoYfrom₹3,496croreinQ4FY23(up38%QoQfrom₹3,005crore in Q3FY24).

Net Interest Income(NII)forFY24increasedto₹25,993crore,from₹21,552croreinFY23,up21%YoYand for Q4FY24 increased to ₹6,909 crore, from ₹ 6,103 crore inQ4FY23, up 13%YoY (up 5% QoQfrom ₹ 6,554 crore in Q3FY24). Net Interest Margin (NIM) was 5.28% for Q4FY24.

Fees and services for FY24 increased to ₹ 8,464 crore from ₹ 6,790 crore in FY23, up 25% YoY and for Q4FY24increasedto₹2,467 crorefrom₹1,928croreinQ4FY23,up28%YoY(up15% QoQfrom₹2,144 crore in Q3FY24).

Operating costs increased to ₹16,679croreinFY24(₹13,787 croreinFY23). Technology expenses were 10% of total operating cost in FY24.

Operating profit for FY24 increased to ₹ 19,587 crore from ₹ 14,848 crore, up 32% YoY and for Q4FY24 increasedto₹5,462crorefrom₹4,647 croreinQ4FY23, up18%YoY (up20%QoQ from₹4,566crorein Q3FY24).


Advances(incl. IBPC&BRDS)increased20%YoYto₹391,729croreasatMarch31,2024from

₹ 325,543croreasatMarch31,2023.CustomerAssets,whichcomprisesAdvances (incl. IBPC&BRDS)and Credit Substitutes, increased by 20% YoY to ₹ 423,324 crore as at March 31, 2024 from ₹ 352,652 crore as at March 31, 2023.

Unsecured retail advances (incl. Retail Micro Finance)asa%ofnetadvancesstoodat11.8%asatMarch 31, 2024 (10.0% as at March 31, 2023).

BankcompletedacquisitionofSonataMicrofinance,anentitybasedoutofNorthofIndiainFY24. CASA ratio as at March 31, 2024 stood at 45.5%.

Average Current deposits grew to₹60,160crore for Q4FY24 comparedto₹58,415 crore forQ4FY23 up3% YoY.AverageSavingsdepositsgrewto₹123,457croreforQ4FY24comparedto₹117,824croreforQ4FY23

up5%YoY.AverageTermdepositgrewto₹224,703croreforQ4FY24comparedto ₹166,644crorefor Q4FY23 up 35% YoY.


As atMarch31,2024,GNPAwas1.39%& NNPAwas0.34% (GNPAwas1.78%&NNPA was0.37%atMarch 31, 2023).

CapitalAdequacyRatiooftheBank,asperBaselIII,asatMarch31,2024was20.5%andCET1ratioof 19.2%.

Standalone Return on Assets(ROA)forFY24was2.61%andforQ4FY24was2.97%.ReturnonEquity(ROE) for FY24 was 15.34% and for Q4FY24 was 17.54%.


TheBoardofDirectorsoftheBankhasrecommendeddividendof₹2.00perequity share having face value of ₹ 5, for the year ended March 31, 2024, subject to approval of shareholders.


Consolidated results at a glance


Consolidated PAT for FY24 increased to ₹ 18,213 crore from ₹ 14,925 crore in FY23, up 22% YoY and for Q4FY24was₹5,337crore,up17%YoY from₹ 4,566crore inQ4FY23 (up25% QoQ from₹4,265crorein Q3FY24).

PAT of Bank and key subsidiaries given below:


PAT(₹ crore) FY24 FY23 Q4FY24 Q4FY23
KotakMahindraBank 13,782 10,939 4,133 3,496
KotakSecurities 1,226 865 378 182
KotakMahindraPrime 888 829 223 224
KotakMahindraLifeInsurance 689 1,053 109 205


525 555 150 192
KotakMahindraInvestments 514 326 129 100
KotakMahindraCapital Company 215 150 97 49
BSSMicrofinance 383 297 76 89


At the consolidated level, the Return on Assets(ROA)for FY24was2.66%andforQ4FY24was2.92%. Return on Equity (ROE) for FY24 was 15.08% and for Q4FY24 was 16.85%.

Consolidated Capital Adequacy RatioasperBaselIIIasatMarch31,2024was21.8% and CET Iratio was 20.7%.

Consolidated Networth as at March 31, 2024 was ₹ 129,892 crore. The Book Value per Share was ₹ 653. Consolidated Customer Assets which comprises Advances (incl. IBPC&BRDS) and Credit Substitutes grew to ₹479,169croreasatMarch31,2024from₹393,882croreasatMarch31,2023,up22%YoY.

Total Assets Under Management asatMarch31,2024 were ₹ 560,140 crore up33% YoYover₹ 420,880 croreasatMarch31,2023.TheDomesticMFEquityAUMincreasedby58%YoYto ₹246,771croreasat March 31, 2024.

The financial statements of Indian subsidiaries (excluding insurance companies) and associates are prepared as per Indian Accounting Standards in accordance with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015. The financial statements of subsidiaries located outside India are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in their respective countries. However, for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial results, the results of subsidiariesandassociatesareinaccordancewithGenerallyAcceptedAccountingPrinciplesinIndia(‘GAAP’) specified under Section 133 and relevant provision of Companies Act, 2013.